Five Key Areas to Improve the Subtle Energy of your Home

Five Key Areas to Improve the Subtle Energy of your Home

Do you want your home environment to be as supportive as possible?

Of course you do. But sometimes it’s really hard to know where to start.

In an ideal world and all things being equal you’d have the perfect site, with the perfect house layout, beautiful and appropriate furniture, and a sweet nourishing energy that helps you rest and helps you grow.

But even if you’re in a settled home and have lots of money to throw at it, it’s not necessarily possible to achieve the ideal. We’ve worked on plenty of well financed homes with less than perfect energetics.

When living in a more challenged house, life can feel like a continuously uphill struggle, surmounting one crisis after another with less time to relax and smell the roses. Conversely a home with a supportive flow of energies can mean you have to spend less time, stress and money maintaining subsistence living, and more time exploring creative self-expression and enjoying a graceful flow of serendipitous good fortune.

Even Short Term Accommodation Benefits From Some Focus

As an example, over winter 2016/17 we stayed on a Hebridean island, living in several different houses during this time. Although the macro environment is clean, healthy, unstressful and peaceful in most respects, each house has presented us with different micro-environment challenges to our health and mood, according to the details of design, lay-out, local earth energies, and house siting especially in relation to prevailing winds and winter storms.

As such in order to optimise our experience of life while there we have needed to attend to and clarify the energies in each dwelling for different reasons. Even if we are going to be staying in a house for just a week it is certainly preferable to give it an initial survey on arrival and fix what we can within the possible opportunities and constraints of each site. This should yield smoother, happier, more harmonious energies, good refreshing nights’ sleep, and easy alert days for work and play.

Unbalanced Energy Robs your Vitality

Living in a home where the energetics are out of kilter will take a toll on you. And if it’s really bad or chaotic, or even not so bad, but you live there for a while, then it could have serious consequences for your health, wealth and relationships.

In a sense the work involved in maintaining a comfortable lifestyle can mean borrowing from your personal energy bank account just to stay in any sort of balance. In the short term, or with a healthy savings account, this might seem ok but it will definitely take its toll on health and happiness if you stay in a negative environment for too long. Even one night in a badly located bed can take a small toll on your energy.

Each House is Different

Homes may be more lucky or unlucky according to a range of geomantic factors. There are a number of considerations, including local geographical environment and the house’s siting within it, the quality of subtle earth energies flowing through or beneath it, architectural and garden landscape design, and interior layout, as well as of course the different personalities of the inhabitants.

Different houses will present with different challenges to our health and mood, according to the individual details.  Although the macro environment may be clean, healthy and peaceful the details of design, lay-out, local earth energies, and house siting will effect each inhabitant in various ways according to their own strengths and weaknesses.

Even though the confluence of energies in a home are varied there are some key things you can address that will improve the atmosphere whatever the situation. And though you may only be staying in a house for a short time, maybe for a holiday or when the house is rented and major alterations are not feesible, then it is still possible with a few adjustments to make a big difference.

Five Quick Fixes for Better Energy

Whether it’s to ensure a happy stay while on holidays or to improve your personal home and work environments, some attention paid to these key areas can yield instantly noticeable beneficial results.

  • Clutter at front door and central hub
  • Bed placement
  • Mirror placement
  • Techno-stress
  • Quality of Earth Energies

The following are simple fixes, together taking no longer than an hour. Whatever is contributing to the energy and atmosphere of your home, these five things are the minimum you should attend to in any circumstance. You may find that some areas are ok or need little adjustment but a quick focus will soon tell you if there is anything to do. And doing a little is better than doing nothing.

Likewise if you are only staying somewhere a few days it may not warrant too much attention. But even an overnight in a hotel, with poorly positioned mirrors and beds, can ruin your stay.


One person’s clutter is another person’s comfort zone.

We function a lot better at many levels if we can keep the decks clear and clutter to a minimum. There are personal preferences when it comes to clutter, some thrive best in a zen minimalist interior while others find creative expression easier surrounded by a comfortable amount of chaos. However piles of chronically unresolved clutter are always a sign of stagnant energy flow wherever they sit, as are piles of rubbish and dereliction outside – so get sorting and clearing.

Two Vital Areas Where You Definitely Dont Want Clutter

Pay special attention to the area around the front door, both outside and inside the front entrance area.

At least there is a path to door and you can look out and see your belongings. But this is definitely a cluttered entrance!

The front door is usually the principal ‘mouth of energy’ of a dwelling, and through it can flow from the external environment opportunity and prosperity to nourish the home. If the portal area is restricted or run-down this may reflect the quality of luck that arrives at and through the door for the house or business. If the access is clear and well-aspected then heaven will smile on the house.

Next pay attention to the central area of the building – the approximate geometric centre is found at the junction of two diagonals from the four corners of the building. If this point falls in a wall, adopt the most obvious open area nearest.

Even attractive treatment of the entrance area can limit the flow

Or at a simpler level it is the hub of energy. In contemporary homes this area is often at the entrance to the main living or family room, or the kitchen. Ensure this area is clean and clear, as it represents the central spiritual axis of the home and influences the health of all inhabitants in the surrounding rooms. Work with decoration to create a clear space according to taste.


The situation of the master bed is the next key area to look at, and the energetics of the bed reflect in the quality of relationship and fertility, and also of health in general. If we’re lucky, we spend a third of our lives in bed, resting and regenerating, and the quality of energy in the bedroom as we sleep is vitally important. This applies of course to all the other beds in the house too.

Principles of Good Bed Siting

Poor siting of bed under the window

Better alternative position, though not designed for here – power cables behind bed, no space for two bedside tables.

The principles of good siting of beds are these: the bed-head is ideally situated on the most solid and protected wall of the room, the pillows counter-corner to the door, so that you have a commanding view of the entrance as you sit up in bed.

A window behind the bed-head is a less secure position, and health and relationships can ‘fall out of the window’ in this situation. The bed-head up against a chimney-breast is also not good for the health, especially if the chimney is still in use from a fire-place downstairs.

Directly facing the door, or with the door opening directly onto one side of the bed are less than ideal positions which can generate subconscious insecurity.

Of course not every house permits the luxury of being able to choose where in the room to place the bed, with constraints of built-in wardrobes, en-suite bathroom doors (best kept shut at night), space for bed-side tables etc. In such cases design ameliorations should be considered, such as a big solid head-board to block the lower part of a window behind the bed, or furniture to partially screen the bed from the door.

In all cases pay attention to the amount of clutter in the room, avoiding if
possible storing anything under the bed. Too many books – full of words and thoughts – can be noisy when trying to sleep.

It’s better to avoid sprung mattresses as they can amplify electrical fields

Wooden-framed beds with mattresses not containing metal bed-springs are much better for health.

The same precepts for ideal bed location can also be applied to the best location for favourite chairs and sofas in the living room, and to study and office chairs and desks – i.e. back to the most solid protected wall, counter-corner to and facing the door.

Ideal interior layout begins with this, and continues into all other furniture placement with the intention of allowing movement and energy flow through the house to be practical, smooth and fluid – minimising dead spots allows for more fulfilling social engagement.


Mirrors amplify whatever they reflect, and in general increase the yang in a room. Mirrors over-lighting a bed (from the ends or sides) tend to provoke restless sleep and insomnia and should be avoided, moved, or covered at night. This topic is covered more fully in our article here: Mirrors in the Bedroom

A mirror reflecting the bed can make for unrestful sleep.

Mirror placement throughout the whole house can very important – they can add more light and space to a cramped dark room, but should not be placed directly opposite the front door (repels fortune) or ugly views (amplifying negatives).

It is better to avoid broken, tiled or badly tarnished mirrors (fractured or poor self-image). As an example, in a holiday house in which we stayed there were three small mirrors all hung so low that they were aimed at our midriffs. This is perhaps why we have had such a focus on eating while there.

If you are unable to reposition unfortunate mirrors, then throw a cloth, towel or sheet over them when not in use. This can be a very useful technique in a hotel room which will often have large mirrors opposite the bed. Covering them while you sleep may afford a better quality of rest.


Close proximity to Extremely Low Frequency, in other words A/C electrical mains power cables and their associated electric and electromagnetic fields can result in health disturbances ranging from depression to leukaemia.

Don’t take your tech to bed with you

Ensure that beds are no closer than 1m. from the electricity mains meter and fusebox; that wires to bed-side lights are no closer than 30cm from the pillows; that electric blankets are turned off and preferably removed before sleep; and that wires and extensions don’t trail underneath beds and chairs.

Exposure to Radio Frequency EMFs, e.g. from wifi, cordless and mobile phones and masts, can result in a similar range of health disturbances from concentration difficulties to brain tumours. Use devices sparingly, with the speaker on so that they are not held so close to the head, and turn wifi off when not in use or hard-wire your devices with old-fashioned ethernet cables instead.

For an exhaustive review of the health dangers of different ELF and RF fields see:


Often the most important determinant of the subtle qualities of atmosphere within a house and its individual rooms are the earth energies. Especially significant are underground water veins and their associated energy and information fields, which can feel clean, happy, nourishing and energising, or may feel or dowse as distressed, uncomfortable, frightening or draining.

The negative lines, especially when strong, can have a major impact on the quality of atmosphere along their paths, and those living and sleeping on these can expect everything from mood to health of immune system to be compromised. You can read about the Medical Implication of Geopathic Stress.

A typical home may have several underground streams flowing beneath the property, perhaps on different trajectories at different depths. These can be dowsed for by walking around the site with a pair of dowsing rods, identifying their pathways and sensing the quality of each one’s information field.

Other earth energies that may be impacting on home for good or ill include geological faults, mineral deposits, geomagnetic grid lines such as the Hartmann and Curry grids, and overground leylines.

Dowsing for Negative Earth Energies

Dowsing a property’s earth energies completely is a little involved, however even for the lay person simply a moment taken in deviceless dowsing can reap some insights into the harmony of your local earth energies, and maybe you will have an opportunity to fix them with a ceremonial or therapeutic action.

How to do Deviceless Dowsing

Stand in a central part of the property or perhaps a place where you can oversee the property. This can be done both inside and out. Quieten your inner chatter, your monkey mind, and then when you feel settled ask yourself “Is there a location on the site that is emanating negative energy?”. If yes,  then ask that your attention be taken to the spot inside or out.

Another way would be, after quietening your spirit, to do a scan of the property with your eyes closed and ask that your attention be drawn to any difficult spots. As you scan round you will feel a jarring or hiccup when you scan past the offending area(s) – there may be several.

Note these places as you scan. Pay particular attention to trouble spots under sleeping areas and main doorways. Problem areas will often coincide with the crossing-points of two underground streams carrying distressed information fields.

Remedial Action

When you have located the place or places in your mind’s eye, walk to each in turn and sense a centre spot at which you could enact some remedial action. For example, place a therapeutic witness here such as a clean crystal, stone or wand, light incense, smudge with sage, and or use sound – cymbals, bells, toning.

Address the local spirits of place asking for permission and guidance and protection before starting, and having identified them, don’t stand on a distressed stream longer than it takes to place a witness. Back off to a neutral or good earth energy spot to observe and process such healing as comes through as local landscape trauma is released.

We place a lot of importance on this practice and know that it can make a huge difference to the experience of even short stay in a house, let alone to the quality of life in your home.

Of course there are a range of more advanced Geomantic techniques, including those for detecting and dealing with geopathic stress and other negative energies… and that’s what we’re about teaching. If you’re interested in learning about these, some of the most important skills in Geomancy, then you will be interested in our training. We provide you with the learning and experience to practice these arts for yourself, family and friends, or professionally. Geomancy Training