How to Do Earth Acupuncture

How to Do Earth Acupuncture

If you “sit with land”
you’ll know all sorts of things.
And in the knowing
is growing.

That’s really what Geomancy is.
Furthering the relationship between the earth and us.

There are many styles of Geomancy, including the Chinese version known as Feng Shui.

Earth Acupuncture is a very useful skill for a geomancer
or anyone wanting to improve the health of a site.

It is a style of listening to land and responding with healing and compassion.

And with that healing comes an improved quality of Earth Qi.

We, and thousands of clients and students, have found even this practice alone to offer immense improvement and opportunity to our lives and those of our clients

Here is Richard’s own protocol for Earth Acupuncture.

It assumes that you have some skills or training as a dowser, healer or both –
It’s the pro version!

Earth Acupuncture Protocol

Firstly address the spirits of place for permission, guidance and safe-keeping during the work.
This may include asking for help from angelic, archangelic, landscape devic and local elemental spirits as well as your own guides
You may like to invite a friend(s) to help too, for moral support and to watch your back, as some spirits may be difficult, needing offerings and direct dialogue in meditation to resolve.
Working your own place can bring good self-knowledge, but once you are entrained into the patterns of the earth currents of your home it can be hard to muster the spiritual leverage to diagnose and treat clearly – unless you’re experienced – this is where help from a friend comes in – ideally with some training as a healer, therapist, dowser, priest or shaman

Establish a base camp for your work at a positively-energised or at least neutral spot in the garden.

Then circuit the garden using dowsing rods, identify the paths of any underground streams passing under your home that are carrying geopathic stress within their information fields.

Firstly set your intention for your rods to only find such lines – “sha streams”.

Check inside the home too, especially at bed locations, but it is easiest to create a mental map of the lines by dowsing outside all around the exterior of the house in the garden or surrounding land.

You may discover several watercourses running under your home, typically 3 to 20 feet wide, some at different depths and trajectories and others running more or less parallel.

Dowse to find a point on each line out in the garden that can be used as an earth-acupuncture point, usually a crossing of two underground streams, and place a needle of some sort into it until held upright.

I use live-wood – wooden wands inhabited by dryads – but crystals, especially quartzes or amethysts, are also suited to the work, as are feathers or other talismanic artefacts.

Allow the points to work through a therapeutic cycle to clean up any landscape trauma or other distressed information up- and down-stream along the paths of the streams – this may take minutes, hours or days.

Bear in mind the history of the building and put some focus into any recurring traumatic or unlucky patterns embedded in the ‘predecessor qi’ of the place.

You will feel a clear sense of relief and your dowsing rods will confirm when each point is clear.

Some lines may feel more strongly toxic than others. The dowsed ‘von Pohl’ scale of 1 – 16 can be used to quantify the degree of unpleasantness, where 1 is a clean healthy underground stream with no traumatic information in its associated qi current. In this scale 9 is a typical total from two or more streams crossing under a bed for cancer to be likely to develop, and 16 is powerfully strongly toxic to mammalian life.

Dowsing a scale like this can also be useful to help detach you from identifying with the negative energies that you are observing and treating – keep control over your aperture of perception and close down, or retire to your base camp when you need to.

Effects of Geopathic Stress and Underground Water

After your first circuit placing wands around your house, walk another circuit this time dowsing for the path(s) of any leys through the property.
If present these will manifest with a straight central mid-line of overground qi, accompanied by male and female currents snaking beneath, and strong outer edge-lines that can contain much stress if the ley is heavily charged.

I would place a wand in each of the three lines in an arc, at a point in the garden indicated by the dowsing rods.

Crossings of the twin currents around the mid-line are especially significant and can be marked by standing stones, stone circles, church steeples or pagodas.

These three lines can contain trauma or other distress in the spiritual, thinking and feeling realms respectively, and may depend on a level of spiritual hygiene being maintained at other sacred sites along the line.
Placing a permanent stone or stones of some sort on the ley may be helpful for long-term harmony.
Sometimes nodes further up or down a ley, perhaps at a church or other sacred site miles away, can need similar work to ensure the ley stays in positive health.

I usually end up with in an ark of wands around two sides of the property. But it may be wherever is the more convenient for placing wands or other witnesses in the ground where they won’t be disturbed for an hour or two.
In the event of concrete, wands can be leant upright against a wall.

Sometimes every stream may need treating directly, sometimes just a few key points are better.

Next, check for any other potential problems with technopathic stress, with geological faults, mineral deposits, or global geomagnetic grid crossing points.

Hartmann, Curry and other geomagnetic grids will usually clear as the underground water lines clear. Double-negative crossing points are still worth avoiding or placing an amethyst on.

Connect with the flow of energy on the site. Tune in through direct dialogue with dragons, elemental spirits and other pyscho-spiritual realms.
Explore the narrative of the property and relate it to the experience of the space.
Examine the form and design of the built and natural environment with feng shui precepts for placement improvements.

Retire to your base camp and observe the wands as they plume (connecting earth and heaven).

You may see this as a steaming above the heads of the wands not unlike a heat-haze, especially over the first twenty minutes.
Different colours may be present at times as stuff processes.

Incense can help the purification at a point or points (the smoke turning from grey to white as the stress clears), as can bells, drumming, toning, music, dialoguing etc.

You can remote view into the paths of the various lines you are working and rest your healing focus at the sites of trauma up and down stream.

Walk and talk with the dragons

When the Earth and Heaven Qi are balanced then it makes for the perfect house site

You may also connect with the dragon / serpent spirit of each line and focus healing to injuries they have sustained from scars in the landscape nearby.

Distressed elemental spirits of place may also need dialogue, offerings, and leading into the care of the local landscape deva for new roles.

Allow any earth-bound ghost people to pass to the light as their friends and ancestors arrive. This is often through a portal that opens above one of the wands, or the centre crossing of the house.

You may need to dialogue with some of these beings in order to help them pass over.

Cleaning up the information fields of the earth energies like this allows trapped ghosts to release and ensures that the house won’t fill with new ones next week.

They may still pass through if the spirit path is a strong one, even a healthy ley still carries a strong energy flow and flow of spirits. Changing bedroom or bed position off its direct path can sometimes be the best option.

Perhaps you will need to gesture a seal to close a portal into your bedroom if there is a ley crossing there.

Once the work is finished you will know. Your rods will confirm the job is done, perhaps with an attendant good omen such as the return of bird-song.

Close any portals opened as you finish, retrieve your wands and crystals and spend a moment cleansing them.

The cure may be permanent, especially if old landscape trauma has been released by your therapeutic input, but possibly another level of stress will appear for clearing in the coming days, weeks or months.

Future earth energy disturbances from nearby building, digging or quarrying in the neighbourhood can also trigger a return of geopathic and geopsychic stress and a need to repeat the procedure.

Placing an image of a good deity can help keep the ley-cross power spot sweet.

We wish you the best of luck with your home healing.

With experience many sites can feel simple to work and clear. But still, even for veteran geomancers, other sites are full of yucky geopathic stress and troubled entities and nature spirits that stick like old chewing gum to the bottom of your shoe and can make you feel headachy and ill.
Do take this work seriously and protect yourself. Do work with a friend and don’t take on more than you can handle.
If your work seems to have stirred up more than you have cleared, we recommend calling the services of an experienced practitioner – ask around for dowsers, feng shui consultants or other psychic healers and shamans, or the services of geomancers.

When you live in isolation
Just grazing the surface of the earth
There is no sympathy, there is no synchronicity.
Because all is connected
There is no difference between here and there

Feeling drawn to this sort of work?
Have a look at our Geomancy Workshops
It’s the real deal!
We are very excited about our training.
We think it’s one of the best.

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