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Healing Spaces, Homes, Hearts and Souls

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All About Us...

Richard Creightmore and Jewels Rocka are leading international teachers and consultants in their fields of Dowsing, Geomancy, Self Development and Healing.

They bring with them over five decades of combined experience, to offer training and a comprehensive curriculum in these subjects. They have pioneered the field of Geomantic Education, being among the first to offer training of a professional calibre. Their broad consulting experience ensure that the training is very practical as well as academic.

They work as a consultant for individuals and businesses as well as providing personal healing and counselling sessions.

Their track record of success in helping people in need of property advice or with health and personal issues is outstanding and a testimony to their passion and dedication to growth and creativity for all.

They are each highly respected for their knowledge and skills and delight in sharing and teaching, making working with them, individually or together, hugely rewarding.

RichardRichard Creightmore M.A. (Oxon.), B.Ac., has been in practice as a professional Geomancer since 1986, specialising in Earth Acupuncture and medical Feng Shui. He holds degrees in both Geography and Acupuncture, and his working life involves running an holistic medical practice in Ashdown Forest in Sussex, England, teaching Geomantic healing arts trainings,  and travelling as a consultant Geomancer in Britain and worldwide.

His geomantic background includes training in Dowsing, classical Feng Shui, Space Clearing, Sacred Space Design, Stone Circle Construction, and extensive journeys into the geomantic traditions and landscapes of Britain, China, India and Aboriginal Australia. His medical background includes training in Acupuncture, Cranio-Sacral Therapy , Chinese and Western Herbal Medicine,  Qi Gong, and other holistic medical, shamanic and spiritual healing disciplines.

Richard has been active in curriculum and educational standards development with both the Feng Shui Society and the British Society of Dowsers;  Visiting Lecturer in Geopathic Stress and Earth Acupuncture at the School of Integrated Health, Department of Complementary Medicine, University of Westminster; and a principal of Beech Hill College / Land and Spirit in Sussex.  Since the early ‘90s he has been training students around the world in Geomantic healing skills, with special focus on Earth Acupuncture to resolve geopathic stress. His vast experience, down-to-earth approach and direct and engaging style makes him a highly sought after lecturer.

Richard's geomantic specialties include:

      Geopathic stress and Classical Feng Shui surveys and clearings for homes, farms, and businesses, with particular emphasis on Earth Acupucture to heal distressed underground water lines and other disturbed earth energy lines and grids, and focus on releasing human ghosts and resolving problematic non-human entities and disturbed elemental spirits.

      Medical Geomancy consultations, ideally as part of an integrated holistic medical approach, for those with cancer, wasting and paralysing diseases, mental illness, depleted immune system, infertility, or any other medical condition that may have geopathic stress as a causative or contributary factor.

      Geopathic stress surveys and clearings for public buildings and spaces with a history of a wide range of social problems including vandalism and other public disorder crimes, corruption and financial decay.

      Consultation with architects at the design stage of new-build or renovation projects, to introduce classical Feng Shui precepts into the design, bespoke for the client, for optimum Qi flow.

      Water Divining for boreholes, with particular experience of the geology and hydrology of South-East England.

      Dowsing for placement and design of Sacred Spaces, with particular experience of standing stones, stone circles, and labyrinths.

Jewels RockaJewels Rocka employs Geomantic traditions including Feng Shui from China, Spiritual Healing from the Philippines, Aboriginal Shamanism from the Australian outback, and is a healer and teacher of great knowledge and experience in metaphysical traditions from across the globe.

Proclaimed a Master (1999) by her teacher Wang Yude, Jewels has been practicing Feng Shui, Geomancy, Counselling, Astrology and Shiatsu for over 25 years in many parts of the world. She is well known for her sound, practical approach and her straightforward teaching style. Julie is a dynamic and gifted healer and teacher with a passion for her work and enormous insight to pass on.

Jewels has been involved in Feng Shui educational services, standards and curriculum development and is a Founder of the Feng Shui College of Melbourne and of Feng Shui Australia. She is a past president of the Feng Shui Society (Aust) and is the current Chair of the Geomancy Group. For the last 15 years Jewels has been able to use her eclectic talents to develop Geomantic and Shamanic training programs at Beech Hill College and Land and Spirit (UK). She now divides her time between East Sussex in England and the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast, Australia where she practices her global approach to healing and counselling.

Geomancy, literally meaning, “Earth reading” takes account of the relationship between land and people - as with Feng Shui, reading the house and land and making the connections between the individual and their environment. By helping her clients to understand their patterns, and the energetics of their space, and then to clarify where they want to go, Jewels recommends appropriate changes to the property that will manifest that end.

Her services also include “Soul Guiding”, which is a service of life counselling using the traditions of Taosism, Astrology and Oracle reading (Fei Xing Gong) combined with well-being coaching in metaphysics and life skills such as Nutrition and Meditation. Her focus is on helping you, your property and your "Questing Soul" come into alignment to create a fulfilling and happy life.

Jewel’s geomantic specialties include:

      Soul Guiding using counselling, astrology, geomancy, nutritional programming and shamanic techniques for clarity, goal setting, life directions, relationship issues and light growing.

      Geomantic and Feng Shui surveys and clearings for homes and businesses, including site reading and audits to identify and remedy energetic problems and enhance beneficial Qi. Her focus is on health, prosperity and self development for occupants and their relationship with land and each other.

      Consultation with architects at the design stage of new-build or renovation projects, to introduce classical Feng Shui precepts into the design, bespoke for the client, for optimum Qi flow.

      Space Clearing for releasing troublesome ghosts, entities and vexatious energies. She recharges sites for higher tone vibrations.

      Rituals for clearing, celebrating, (hand fasting, namings, business openings) and personal purposes (breaking bonds, attachments) and more...


Richard and Jewels walk the Labyrinth


Another Valued Member of Land and Spirit

Phil-GristPhil Grist was introduced to shamanism in 2001. He studied wilderness philosophy with Thomas Schorr-kon and then druidic shamanism with Ivan Macbeth.  He has been involved with building stone circles and psychic tree surgery.

He first trained with Richard Creightmore in 2003 when Richard described him as “a master with a chainsaw whilst dancing with the divas.” In the same year he spent 3 months with Jewels in Australia learning different shamanic skills.

Working as a Geomancy and using his shamanic skills and deep knowledge of nutrition and life style, Phil guides clients on their path to a harmonious life. Phil uses sacred drumming, meditation and other modalities to create useful behaviours and emotional stability.

He helps people to work through and relieve stored emotional patterns that may not be even be theirs and could have been passed on to them. These programmes constantly run in the background, without people being aware.

Phil has pioneered and caringly maintains a weekly fire circle, where all aspects of harmonious living and spiritual grounding are explored. He incorporates all of his knowledge and wisdom to nurture the attendees. As the fire clrcle is situated in a rural setting by a flowing river and immersed in nature he can interpret the many messages from the environment to guide the ceremonies and life. Every day is a fire circle day!

Richard & Jewels 2001

What others have said...

I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you for your amazing and exceptional workshops. I felt that I was in the presence of great professionals I have no doubt that the skills you’ve taught me will be shown to me as to where it all fits in to my life...

Ruthie, Surrey

Relevance and contents and impact seem to come through as appropriately when needed and information was taught in a very useful way....

Denny, Cornwall

I found the information to be presented in a very interactive and practical way so I felt like I was sure I was really “getting it”. I have been able to pull through this learning into my practice for benefit of myself and patients.

Shah, Emerald

The courses provided by Land and Spirit are the greatest support I have ever found for personal development. The scope and depth and frequency are just right to fit into a busy lifestyle and find peace

Susie, Melbourne

I have found training with Land and Spirit thought provoking, challenging, and inspiring analogous to a personal journey where over time I accept change and have been empowered to grow spiritually, psychologically and physically. The training has taken me on a journey of profound transformation.

Maria, Brunswick

The course has been a great use to me to fill out a lot of information and skills in earth energies for my healing practice.

 Clive, London

The relevance of these workshops to my life is extraordinary. I now understand a lot of what I was sensing anyway, but I am feeling more connected to my earth

Shelley, Noosa




The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only.
It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind
Copyright © 1996-2019 Jewels Rocka and Richard H Creightmore. All Rights Reserved
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