Paying attention to your environment
Living with good clean harmonious energy can make the difference between doing poorly and thriving
We provide Geomancy and Dowsing resources to help you understand Earth Energies and resolve issues in the environment. On this site you will find information about our Geomancy and Earth Dowsing courses, Consultation services as well as informative articles to help you make the best of your home or business.

We offer Geomantic services for homes, businesses and other sites. Specialising in Earth Dowsing, Geopathic Stress, Earth Acupuncture, Medical Feng Shui, Space Clearing and House Readings
Is it difficult for you to travel or do you have an issue and you would like some advice? We offer sessions by zoom and telephone. Informative, practical and supportive
Read more >>COURSES
Comprehensive Geomancy Training in the UK and Australia giving you the skills to create and heal homes and spaces for clients, family and freinds
Geomancy Training >>WATER DIVINING
Water Divining to identify water sources for locating boreholes and wells for farms, fisheries, golf courses, hotels and estates
Read more >>REMOTE WORK
Remote dowsing and readings to identify and heal earth energies, health and personal issues
Email and tell us what you need >>Global Geomagnetic Grids
Global geomagnetic grids, of which there appears to be a good number, follow laws of symmetry and direction. They are thought to arise from the earth’s magnetic field as a[…]
Read moreWhite Light Protection
Using White Light Protection White light is often associated with purity, protection, and positive energy in various spiritual traditions and psychological practices. From ancient rituals to modern visualisation exercises, invoking[…]
Read moreHeaven and Earth, Ghosts and Churches
A nourishing environment comes from a harmonious balance of Heaven and Earth. If the earth energy is sick and unable to purify the environment it falls out of relationship with[…]
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A few things we’re great at
Richard and Jewels work consciously with the energies of the natural world, for healing and growth. For nearly 35 years they have been offering geomancy training and consultations for healing and design of homes, businesses and sacred sites.
We’re not that engaged in social media but we’re really engaged with earth energies, be they detectable and dowsable subtle underground energies, leys, the earth of the natural and built environment, the earth of people, relationships and life – we dwell in the land of earthly wonders.
Dowsing, reading, sensing, seeing and knowing, we can discern all sorts of energy manifestations and patterns. We have worked on projects ranging for tiny apartments to family homes, business, farms, estates, castles and sacred sites.
Through many years of teaching and consulting in differents lands, cultures and seasons and for different reasons we have amassed a wealth of geomantic knowlege with the skills to apply it practically.
Making clearer, healthier, happier spaces for stronger and sustainable futures is a collaborative pursuit and an ongoing process for all concerned. We like to work with our clients and patients to do just that. Help the planet thrive and make the world a better place.
About Us

Richard Creightmore
Geomancer, Water Diviner, Feng Shui Master, Teacher, Acupuncturist, Cranio-Sacral Therapist

Jewels Rocka
Geomancer, Feng Shui Master, Teacher, Reader, Well-Being Coach
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients and students say:

I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you for your amazing and exceptional workshops. I felt that I was in the presence of great professionals. I have no doubt that the skills you’ve taught me will be shown to me as to where it all fits in to my life…
Ruthie, Surrey

Absolutely amazing results from Richard’s earth acupuncture. After having our house on the market for a year with not one single offer, we gave up and took it off the market. However, within a few days of Richard’s visit, we unexpectedly found a buyer, accepted an offer and found a lovely new home. All actually within the time frame that Richard has first divined for us. Very highly recommended. PS he also healed my dog!

The healers at Land and Spirit live in beautiful relationship to the land. It has been a pleasure and joy to be guided by the generous and deep spirits of Jewels and Richard. Every day brought challenges, laughter, wisdom and connection. Land and Spirit has my deep gratitude.

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