What’s Covered in the
Earth Acupuncture and Geopathic Stress Workshops
Saturday & Sunday June 7 & 8, 2025
During this two workshop we take you through the basics with a particular focus on practical skills related to Earth Dowsing, Geopathic Stress, Earth Acupuncture, with an introduction to Earth Energies. This is contextualised within a Ritual and Magical framework for working with secular and sacred sites. The information below will give you an idea of subjects included in the program.
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A overview and insight into Geomantic and client relationships; protection and best practices
Models and protocols for engaging with “country”, “spirit” and “place”
Practical, ethical and etheric boundaries
Client/Occupant based geomantic relationships
Protection for dowsing and geomantic practices
An introduction to the theory and practice of dowsing the earth’s subtle energies
The theory and practice of dowsing the earth’s subtle energies through discussion, demonstrations and practical dowsing exercises, we will explore the nature and scope of the dowsable earth energy lines
Qualities and differentiation examining sources, categorisation and nature of earth energies
Leys, structure and function
Detecting and Healing Earth Energies with Earth Acupuncture
We will examine in detail the nature, causes, types, signs, and medical and social symptoms of geopathic stress, and introduce a range of techniques to neutralise or heal disturbed earth energies
Geopathic stress from Chinese and Western geomantic perspectives
Demonstration & experience of ‘black’/‘sha’ underground water streams through direct perception, field dowsing, and muscle testing
Leys, global grids, mineral deposits, geological faults and radon gas
Discussion, demonstration and practice of geopathic stress neutralising techniques – avoidance, shielding, curing
Finding earth acupuncture points; needling techniques
Wands, crystals, talismans and other traditional and contemporary remedies
Introduction to Sick Building Syndrome
Earth and Spirit work – An introduction to various etheric and astral phenomena and their Geomantic significance
In conjunction with the Geopathic Stress teaching, this subject develops your abilities to identify and clear sites of geopsychic stress
Protection protocols for spirit work
Communication with the “Spirit of Place” – engaging with “country” and “spirit”
The release of earthbound human ghosts with geomantic techniques
Understanding different spirit manifestations, human and non-human entities
Communicating and dialoguing in spirit work
Removing curses, demons and other entities
Place memory, psychic boundaries, pathways of intention, lines of connection and portals
Engaging with the elemental and nature spirit realms is intrinsic to working with the land
An introduction to dryads
Profound meetings with trees
The power of dialoguing with Elementals and Dragons
Identifying and healing traumatised and displaced Elemental Spirits
We reserve the right to alter the program, and the order in which it is covered may vary.