Global Geomagnetic Grids

Global Geomagnetic Grids

Earth Energetic Web

Global geomagnetic grids, of which there appears to be a good number, follow laws of symmetry and direction.   They are thought to arise from the earth’s magnetic field as a form of vertical, and sometimes horizontal, radiation.   Researchers have found on the lines changes in the earth’s magnetic field, the intensity of sferics, the electrical conductivity of the ground, variations in ultra-short wave receptions, increases in positive ions, differences in blood sedimentation rate, and over some grid lines increased gamma radiation.

The grids are at their strongest between 12.00 midnight and 3.00 a.m. and at their weakest at 5.00 p.m.; they are influenced by earthquakes and weather conditions, and are weaker in fog; they do not rise vertically but at an angle that can change a few degrees during the night; and, unlike underground streams, they are not influenced by phases of the moon.

They show varying weak zones of resonance (echoes) outside the main line; however, decorations, mosaic patterns, windows and statue recesses in old churches indicate that the grid lines always correspond to the exact width of the main line.

In the Stone Age, standing stones were set up on grid line crossings; the Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman and European Medieval civilizations knew of them, as the location of temples, monuments and cathedrals bears witness.


(Diagram: Dr Gunther Schneck, BSD Journal, June 1995)

This was described by Dr Ernst Hartmann in the 1960s.   The network appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible radioactive walls. From north to south, they are 25cm. wide and encountered at constant intervals of 2m., while from east to west they are 15cm. wide and the distance apart varies according to latitude from 1.2m. in Reykjavik, Iceland (63.36°N) to 2.06m. in Ried, Switzerland (40.50°N).

Between these geometric lines lies a neutral zone. The north-south rays are Yin and linked to humidity, cramps and all forms of rheumatism.   The east-west rays are Yang and linked to inflammations.

Where ever two rays cross – a “Hartmann Knot”, a geopathogenic point is found.   These single crossing points do not constitute much of a health hazard unless they pass through the area of the head in the bed site, which can cause insomnia, depression and migraine-type headaches. Crossing any other part of the body in the vast majority of cases would not produce any discomfort. However, sleeping over crossings of double negative lines, which repeat at approximately 35m. intervals, can cause nervous disturbances, headaches, cramps and rheumatic illnesses.  Where the intersections coincide with Sha streams the effect is greatly increased: when these lines of radiation are in combination with A/C pulsed magnetic fields around and above 70 nT (nano Tesla), or cross over the outside edge of a subterranean water course it can produce a depleted state of energy leading to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and an opportunistic environment for the growth of abnormal cells leading to cancer.

The intensity of these lines increases three to four-fold at night when there are fewer free ions, just as radio waves are received better at night.  Twenty-four hours before the arrival of an atmospheric low-pressure zone, a 100% increase of gamma rays is found (up to 300% on volcanic soil) on the knots.

Twelve hours before an earthquake the thickness of the ray triples:  beside the central ray appear two other weaker rays to the left and right which are not normally detectable.   At this time dogs howl, birds flutter madly in their cages, some cats hide under the quilt, and some people feel sick or need to sleep.  During an earthquake, the Hartmann network becomes twisted and distorted but is restored half an hour later to symmetry.

Dr Hartmann suggested that both Curry and Hartmann lines are earthing grids for cosmic rays that can be distorted by other energies such as those coming from a geological fault. This network penetrates everywhere in dwellings or on open ground, but Blanche Merz (in Points of Cosmic Energy, 1987, Daniel) has found the grid to be pushed outside certain sacred structures such as the Egyptian pyramids and temples and Himalayan Buddhist stupas, creating a dense protective wall composed of up to seven rays around the perimeter, and a ray-free interior. She also discovered a similar effect in secular Himalayan buildings constructed where the brick-layer has tapped one end of each brick to establish a small magnetic polarity between ends before laying the bricks sequentially.


(Diagram: Dr Gunther Schneck, BSD Journal, June 1995)

This grid, described by Wittman and Curry in the 1970s, has much in common with the Hartmann grid but is oriented  45° from the north.   The southwest to northeast grid lines repeat every 2.36m, and the southeast to northwest lines every 2.7m.   The lines are approximately 75cm. wide, with medically significant double negative lines repeating every 50m.

The double negative crossings are associated with sleep disturbances, depression and other nervous reactions, inflammations and rheumatic diseases; and also with the sites of stocks and pillories, and hellebore plants.  Double positive crossings encourage enhanced cell enlargement and proliferation, even to the point of cancerous growth.


The Hartmann and Curry grids in combination are known as the Universal Grid.

Universal Grid – Diagram: Hans Gierts, BSD Journal 294, Dec.06

Hans Gierts has postulated (in ‘Low Frequency Electromagnetism’,  BSD Journal Vol.41, No.294, Dec.06) that this derives from the rotation of the earth within a field of electrons emitted by the sun generating electromagnetic waves with a period of 24 hours. Each of these Fast Waves will create what he calls a Slow Wave, a standing wave with a wavelength of 4600 meters.

24 Hour Grid – Diagram: Hans Gierts, BSD Journal 294, Dec.06

He explains thus: the standing waves are organised so that they form a grid with a grid-spacing of 2300 metres. This grid is positioned 45 degrees to the geographical poles, i.e. the Slow Waves run from north-west to south-east and from north-east to south-west. The grid intersections are always positioned at the nodes of the Slow Wave. This 24 hour electromagnetic energy contains harmonics or overtones which create new Fast and Slow Waves with shorter periods. The first overtone will have a period of 12 hours and a wavelength of 2300 metres. It has a node every 1150 metres and creates a new grid within the previous with a spacing of 1150 metres. Every new (even) overtone will make the grid finer and finer. The 9th overtone has a period of 2.8 minutes and creates a grid with a spacing of 4.5 metres. This grid is called the Curry Grid.

Generation of the Curry Grid – Diagram: Hans Gierts, BSD Journal 294, Dec.06

The first odd overtone (24/3 hours) and its even overtones (4, 2, 1, 0.5 hours), will create a similar grid. The period 8 hours has a wavelength of 1500 metres, and this grid will have a spacing of 750 metres. The 8th even overtone has a period of 1.9 minutes and creates a grid with 3 meters spacing. This grid runs north to south and east to west, i.e. 45 degrees relative to the Curry grid based on 24 hours, which is logical as if not the even and the odd overtones would cancel each other. This grid is called the Hartmann Grid.

Thus the earth’s 24 hour generator and its even and odd overtones will propagate as Fast and Slow standing waves in strictly defined routes which will in theory always have the same geographical position (though the wandering of the earth’s north and south poles may alter this) to form two grids of coherent electromagnetic energy that encompass the whole globe.


Dr Gunther Schneck described (in his article on Global Grids in the BSD Journal, June 1995) a series of other previously known and unknown grids, along with a mirror-image negative grid too. The next five grids which he has dowsed and described have a neat progression of resonance with the seven principal chakras, with the Hartmann and Curry grids representing 1 The root chakra and 2 the sacral chakra respectively. He dowsed the 3rd to 7th grids in Bideford, Devon, and these ensuing diagrams come from the same article.

 All grids shown are positive and run east of north. There are also the same number of negative grids which are oriented west of north in a mirror-like image. The energy flow of positive grids is generally north to south and east to west (altars in churches are on the east side). The energy flow of negative grid lines is generally south to north and west to east. The distance between crossing points of grid lines can vary with latitude and location.


This is a positive grid oriented 30° east of north, with a width of 230cm. and an interval of 106m. It has a resonance with the solar plexus chakra, and has a mirror-image negative grid.


Schneider described a positive grid oriented 28° east of north with lines 21cm. wide and a repeating interval of 267m.

Hawthorns like to grow on the lines of this grid, which are associated with strength and physical healing, and are often followed by stretches of  Roman roads.   On crossings are found holy wells, chapels, shrines, way-side crosses, stone-age camps and castles, Roman forts, standing stones and cup-stones.   Especially powerful lines occur, and Chalice Well, Glastonbury is on such a crossing.

Schneck also described a mirror-image negative grid with the opposite effects.


Described by Schneider in the 1980’s as a positive grid, oriented 45° east of north with lines 17cm. wide, a repeating interval of 294m, and a north-south and east-west energy flow. 

The lines of the 3rd Positive Global Grid grid are supposed to increase powers of thought and speech, and pulpits and lecterns are often found on crossing points. 

Schneck described a  mirror image negative version of this grid, oriented 45° west of north, and with the opposite energy flows and mental effects.


The positive grid is oriented 20° east of north with lines 43cm. wide and an interval of 125m.

Crossings are marked by communion rails, dolmens, menhirs, stone circles, ancient camps, Roman forts and temple sites, holy wells, stone crosses, way-side statues and shrines, small chapels and holy oaks.   Wild spindle trees appear only to grow on these lines, which are strongly positively polarised and have a spiritual character.   The existence of such crossings appears to be a pre-condition for siting churches. 

The negative grid has the same orientation, with lines 43cm. wide and a 200m. interval.   It is strongly negatively polarised, and on crossings are found execution sites and condemned prisoner cells.   Where crossings coincide with other negative lines such as Sha streams “cancer points” are found.


Described by Schneck, this grid is oriented 40° east of north, with lines 85cm. wide and an interval of 170m.

 This grid relates to funerary procession paths, funeral doors in churches and crossings to entrances to cemeteries and catacombs. They can be experienced as portals to angelic realms, and the mirror-image negative version to demonic realms.


In a subsequent article, ‘Further Observations on the Crosses we Bear’, Earth Energy Matters Vol 10 issue 39, September 2005, BSD Earth Energies Group, Dr Schneck lists a further seventeen grids that he has found, again all dowsed in Devon. The table below is based on both articles:

Grid NumberDegrees from NorthLine WidthDistance be­tween Lines
Grid 1 (Hartmann)Runs North-South0.11 m1.6m
Grid 2 (Curry)45°0.15m2.3m
Grid 3 (Broad Curry)30°2.3m106m
Grid 4 (Second Schneider)28°0.21m ,267m
Grid 5 (Schneider)4500.17m294m
Grid 6 (Double Curry)2000.43m125m
Grid 7 (Cemetery)4000.85m170m
Grid 85500.90m 
Grid 96001.20m   
Grid 107001.40m 
Grid 118001.80m 
Grid 129002.20m 
Grid 1310502.60m 
Grid 1411503.20m 
Grid 1512004.00m 
Grid 1612504.40m 
Grid 1713005.40m 
Grid 1813506.00m 
Grid 1914007.50m750m
Grid 2014508.50m 
Grid 2115009.50m 
Grid 22155010.50m 
Grid 23170011.50m 
Grid 24179015.50m 


Other wider global grids have been described associated with major holy places. These grids are derived from the geometry of the platonic solids, inherent within the sphere of the earth.

The Platonic solids

The earliest reference to global grids appears to come from Plato, who wrote in the Phaedo (110b) “The real earth, viewed from above, resembles a ball made of twelve pieces of leather, variegated and marked out in different colours…”, and in the Timaeus that the Demi-urge used a twelve-sided form as a pattern for the World, i.e. a dodecahedron. Hundreds of Neolithic carved stones discovered in northern Scotland and Europe perfectly resemble these same Platonic solids and predate Plato by 2,000 years (quoted in Hugh Newman, 2008, ‘Earth Grids – The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites’).

A Cube-Octahedral world grid has been described by Bruce Cathie after plotting UFO sightings in New Zealand in the 1950s. In 1973 Nikolai Gonchorov mapped a global dodecahedron aligned to the axial north and south poles and the mid-Atlantic ridge.

Diagram: Earth’s crystal structures in pentagonal symmetry, Nikolai Goncharov.

To this Vyacheslav Morozov and Valery Makarov added an icosohedron, the resulting Icosi-Dodecahedron and its dual rhombic triacontahedron yielding the base of Buckminster Fuller’s 15 ‘Great Circle Sets’ within geodesic Dome design (from ‘Synergetics ll’).

These were in turn elaborated by Prof. William Becker and Prof. Bethe Hagens in 1978 into a Universal Vector Geometry which connects all the vertices of the five Platonic solids placed inside a sphere into a new geometrical model for Gaia composed of 121 great earth circles.

Universal Vector Geometry grid

More details and illustrations of the many interesting sites positioned on the node points can be found in Hugh Newman, 2008, Earth Grids – The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites’, Wooden Books.


Many of these global grids can clearly display deleterious as well as beneficial crossing points.

Diagram from: Hugh Newman, 2008, Global Grids, after Shaun Kirwan

The complex example below shows an extreme possibility of geopathic stress. The bed is situated over a negative intersection of the Curry Grid which happens to coincide with a negative intersection of the Hartmann Net. Below the bedroom are two underground streams which cross. Thus, the bed is over an extremely yin geopathic area. Over a period of time the occupant would have a high probability of developing cancer.

Diagram from: Anthony Scott-Morley, Journal of Alternative Medicine. May 1985

The experience of the Fountain Groups (groups directing spiritual healing into the etheric landscape at the local or borough scale via focus on a local landmark) has been that the dominant grids related to human consciousness can change with respect to strength, scale and conformation over time, as well as with ceremonial and therapeutic input.


Avoidance of the negative crossings for bed and chair placement is the obvious first remedy. Where this is not possible, a simple yin/yang cure may suffice, for example, an amethyst crystal placed under the bed to balance and neutralise the effects of a double negative crossing, or similarly a piece of rose quartz placed at a double positive crossing to calm the energy down. I surveyed one house in which the occupants had instinctively placed a bright, uplifting painting on the wall by each of the three double negative Hartmann and Curry crossings in the building.

The global grids, like sha streams, show stronger parallel edge lines when they are under stress, for example before an earthquake (Hartmann grid), and also if they are heavily electro-magnetically polluted. The effect of ground voltage from A/C electricity supply on the Curry grid may be the mechanism behind e.g. the epidemic of feline leukaemia in the cat population of the U.S.A.

Simple earth acupuncture on the local Sha water lines can go a long way towards cleaning up these grids, though permanent standing stones or cairns may be useful to filter and discharge ongoing electro-pollution in the grids. Modern gizmos to clean up dirty electricity in the home or workplace have also been shown to improve the health of residents.